Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK) E-Zine
Art Direction + Graphic Design + Editor
The 3Package Deal is an artist sponsorship program by Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst (Amsterdam Fund for the Arts or AFK). In collaboration with Subbacultcha and AFK, R+T produced two e-zines (Issue 01, Issue 02) to introduce the 3Package Deal participants – ranging from upcoming theatre makers to fashion designers on the rise. The promotional online zines made use of compelling editorial content to engage audiences the noteworthy artistic institution and selected participants.
R+T were responsible for the concept, comissioning of content, graphic design, art direction, editorial supervision and online publishing of the e-zines.
+ AFK 3Package Deal e-zine issue 01
+ AFK 3Package Deal e-zine issue 02
Years: 2014–2015